
How Is The Heating Process Of The Emulsifier Equipment Carried Out

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In the fluid mixing industry, most powder-liquid, solid-liquid, and liquid-liquid mixing and stirring require multiple processing of mechanical equipment to meet the standards required by the product. These processing procedures often include: heating, dissolving, dispersing, stirring, homogenizing, emulsifying, sterilizing, cooling, etc. Except for some cold-processed products, most products require a heating process during the mixing and stirring process. The heating process is often a basic process step for the product to achieve fineness, good uniform dispersion, and product stability. After heating, the material of the hot processing process product can be better sheared, homogenized and emulsified, so that the quality of the product can reach a better state. Today we will learn about how the heating process is carried out in the Yuxiang emulsifier equipment machinery?

What are the heating methods of High Shear Emulsifier?

1. Electric heating method

Among the heating methods of emulsifiers, electric heating is a common heating method. The electric heating method usually heats the medium in the interlayer of the emulsifier tank: water or heat transfer oil through the electric heating rod installed in the emulsifier tank. After heating, the medium transfers heat to the material in the emulsifier pot. Yuxiang electric heating emulsifier has a fast heat transfer speed. At the same time, it uses a thermocouple to measure the temperature and connect it to the temperature controller to measure and control the temperature. The temperature control is adjustable and convenient; the temperature measurement is accurate. This heating method is convenient, hygienic, economical, safe, and has a long insulation time.

2. Steam heating method

In some large-scale emulsifier equipment with large specifications, or in cases where there are requirements for temperature or other aspects in the process, steam heating is often used to heat the material. This heating method usually requires the customer to have a steam source, such as an industrial boiler. If there is no steam source, an additional steam generator device is required to generate steam in advance through electric heating for reuse. This heating method has a fast heating speed, is easy to use, easy to cool, and can also be processed by steam sterilization. However, since this heating method generates pressure on the emulsifying pot of the high shear vacuum homogenizer, it is often necessary to heat the pot body with steam into a pressure vessel through an enterprise with a pressure vessel license to ensure production safety. Therefore, this heating method is relatively expensive.


In the production process of some products, standard electric heating and steam heating cannot meet the temperature requirements. External heating equipment, such as external mold temperature controller, chiller and other auxiliary equipment, can also be selected. In summary, generally speaking, electric heating emulsifiers are more economical and affordable, and the heating effect and other aspects are guaranteed. From the perspective of cost of use, electric heating is more practical, so the scope of use is wider. Steam heating emulsifier is suitable for large-scale production or special process requirements.

In the production of products in some industries, especially in the pharmaceutical industry where steam sterilization is required, steam heating is also widely used.

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